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2006-10-06 2006-10-06
Derby 1 X
At 2006 Polish Arabian horse Derby Stake the winner was our Eliat (Eldon - Eleuzyna), in front of Elpas (Arzgir - Elema) taking 3rd place!

no photo 2006-06-22
Race performance results
Embol Psyche - III, Asamoa - III,

2006-06-22 2006-06-22
Race performance results
New Man - I, Primadonna - IV, Embol Psyche - III, Galahad - III, Arwes - II

2006-05-29 2006-05-29
Race performance results
Elberitri - I, Arwers - II, New Man - II

no photo 2006-05-29
Race performance results
Essential - I

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